Stay alert to unauthorized cellular devices entering secure areas. Protection Against Unauthorized Cell Phones and Eavesdropping Devices.
Multi Approach ─ Cellular Intrusion Detection, Identification and Location Technology.
Stay alert to when and where unauthorized cellular and wireless devices enter sensitive and secure areas.
X-ARMSA offers a multi-layered approach for detecting, identifying, and locating unauthorized cellular intrusions.
Even with Wi-Fi or BLE disabled, you can still detect and identify unauthorized devices.
X-ARMSA offers a user-friendly control panel that allows security staff to locate unauthorized cellular devices.
Using a Single / Multi-Layered Security Approach:
With the X-ARMSA visual triangulation zones and space map, phones can be automatically located.
Our unique interference-avoiding IMSI & IMEI Cellular Device Detector is a specialized close-proximity tool that detects, identifies, and locates unauthorized cellular devices, as well as other 2G, 4G, and 5G espionage devices.
A key advantage is its ability to detect unauthorized phones entering the area without interfering with authorized cellular devices.
Interested in learning more about our Unauthorized Cellular Device Detector, Identifier, and Locator? ─ Contact us!
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