Continuous Detection of Unauthorized Devices

X•ARMSA Space reduces the risk of your
sensitive conversations being eavesdropped.


Designed to safeguard sensitive conversations in boardrooms, meeting areas, office spaces, and clean rooms.

X•ARMSA goes beyond a regular signal analyzer.


X•ARMSA uses One-Time Detection to continuously Identify, Localize, and Triangulate Unauthorized Devices.

Continuous 24/7 TSCM Detection Technology

X•ARMSA continuously identifies unauthorized phones, wearables, spy devices, and eavesdropping equipment, delivering 24/7 protection against wireless and cellular threats.

Recognizing that mobile devices can disable cellular channels, X•ARMSA offers comprehensive Automated and Continuous detection of Cellular and Bluetooth Devices.

Since spy cameras and eavesdropping devices often use 2G, 4G, and 5G frequencies, our proximity IMSI Collector offers a highly affordable and effective solution.

Continuous 24/7 TSCM Detection Technology

X•ARMSA Technology operates 24/7 year-round, automatically identifying any wireless transmissions across BLE, Wi-Fi, GSM, LTE, 5G, and other remote control frequencies.

The X•ARMSA Space complements existing periodic manual TSCM investigations.

TSCM, short for “Technical Surveillance Counter Measures”, commonly known as manual debugging or bug sweeps, involves using manual labor methods to detect potential illegal surveillance against an individual or organization.

Typically, a TSCM investigation is conducted quarterly to uncover potential illegal eavesdropping in a designated area.

In the meantime, you remain vulnerable.

Unless you perform 365/24/7 automated scans.

Detection of Wireless Eavesdropping Devices

X•ARMSA complements traditional methods such as TSCM and bug sweeps, which address threats at specific points in time.

To ensure comprehensive security for C-Suite environments, continuous RF spectrum monitoring is crucial for real-time tracking of device transmissions.

While TSCM covers more than just cellular 2G, 4G, 5G, and BLE detection, X•ARMSA offers an additional layer of proactive and preventive security at an accessible cost—starting at just $25 per day for each meeting room.

Plug & Play Technology


Whether you have X•ARMSA operational within a single space or multiple spaces, the technology is simple and flexibly scalable.



Up and running within an hour, and easily configurable for each space.

Camera Blind Spot Protection with Signals

X•ARMSA Continuous TCSM Technology is designed as a complement to traditional camera systems, addressing the issue of blind spots.

Since cameras are not always feasible in certain areas and often have limited viewing angles, X•ARMSA enhances security by proactively detecting every unauthorized device entering a protected space.

The X•ARMSA system captures unauthorized access and devices operating on 2G GSM, 4G LTE, 5G, and BLE, thereby significantly improving coverage and overall space security.

Detection of Wireless Eavesdropping Devices

Why use X•ARMSA Space alongside manual labor TSCM investigations and bug sweeps?

Because anyone can purchase listening devices nowadays and have them operational within a few seconds to a minute.


Whether it’s economic espionage, monitoring competitors, disgruntled employees, divorces, or legal disputes, valuable information can leak to your adversaries.

For as little as $20.-, someone can install listening devices in your space without you realizing it.

Plug & Play Technology


Whether you have X•ARMSA operational within a single space or multiple spaces, the technology is simple and flexibly scalable.



Up and running within an hour, and easily configurable for each space.

Why capturing 2G, 4G, 5G and BLE Devices

Additionally, spyware may be installed on your smartphone or those of your conversation partners without your knowledge

This allows attackers to eavesdrop on your sensitive discussions during technical, operational, or board meetings.

Your conversations could be intercepted unintentionally.

To prevent this, you can use the X•ARMSA Space Detector Set.

Operational within one hour for the desired signal analyzing tasks:


  • Frequency Hopping Detection
  • Fixed Frequency Detection

Add-On to Existing TSCM Investigations

No matter if a wireless listening device / cell phone is on stand-by for 23 hours and 58 minutes during the day and only active for two minutes.

The X•ARMSA Space is a permanent device that automatically and continuously scans for unauthorized wireless and cellular devices.

The (remote) control panel operator has the option to enable operational scanning, automated scanning and alarm timeframes.

Contact us and learn more about all capabilities

Why X•Aware - sum up

X•Aware delivers a true 360° Situational Awareness, Incident Prevention and next-level Protection for 365/24/7 entirely automated.

While current security solutions have many weaknesses or unseen area’s, these solutions need continuous monitoring for successful crime detection and prevention.

X•Aware technology converts unseen or overlooked spots into visible and detectable areas.

With the use of our proprietary intelligent threat indicator technology we have the ability to highly accurately predict potential threats and hazards. Resulting in real-time preventive security alerts that enables operators and officers to act proactively, more effectively and swiftly.

Interested to learn more on how X•Aware works?

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